Frequently Asked Questions:
Our small class sizes help to ensure a safe environment for your child to learn to swim and the ability for our instructors to provide a more personalized experience.
Group lessons have a maximum of 4 students to 1 instructor.
Semi-private lessons have a class ratio of 2 or 3 students to 1 instructor.
Private lessons provide one-on-one instruction.
All lessons, except for adult lessons, are 35 minutes long. We have found this to be an optimal amount of time to maintain the children’s focus while providing the personalized instruction throughout the class.
A “session” consists of six (6) 35-minute lessons. It is important to note that a “session” is simply a means of defining a date range for scheduling purposes. You may enroll in as many sessions as needed to obtain your goals. For some students, one session of six classes is sufficient to accomplish those objectives. Most students, however, need multiple sessions to become proficient swimmers. Of course you are not required to enroll in multiple sessions. You may enroll in one session at a time.
During the spring (April and May) and August, a “session” consists of six (6) 35-minute lessons; two lessons per week for three weeks.
During the summer (June through July), a “session” consists of six (6) 35-minute lessons; three lessons per week for two weeks; Monday, Tuesday and Thursday each week.
We provide our personalized swim instruction services at
Town Village of Leawood Senior Living Community
4400 West 115th Street, Leawood, KS 66211.
Located just off of I-435 East\West & Roe,
near 115th & Roe in Leawood.
The recently renovated swimming pool facility uses a saltwater system and the water temperature is kept at 90 degrees.
Every instructor in our program has completed 40+ hours of training specific to the Jeff Kelly curriculum to ensure each student receives continuity of instruction even if they do not keep the same instructor from session to session. We also employ professional educators as swim instructors so they are experienced with teaching as well as swimming. Our current swim instruction team, including Jeff, has a combined total of 60+ years of swim instruction experience.
Every family has a very busy schedule, and we have designed a class option to assist families with that struggle while providing quality swim instruction. Our option to create a customized family class allows you to enroll up to four family members or friends of different ages and/or ability levels in the same class. Through Jeff’s program structure and method of teaching, our instructors have been trained to personalize their teaching to accommodate students of differing age and abilities. An example of this may include, but is not limited to, a class including a 2-year-old, a 5-year-old, an 8-year-old and a 12-year-old. The instructor will begin with teaching the common aspects of the freestyle swimming technique, and then proceed to personalize their interaction and additional instruction with the students based on their ability levels. Please note that for children younger than 4 years old we may require that an adult be present in the water during the lesson to ensure the child’s safety when he\she is not interacting directly with the instructor. Please speak with an enrollment counselor for more information.
We have many satisfied families who have participated in this type of class. It is a great way to introduce our curriculum to children who are too young to join our usual group class format; rather than sitting on the sidelines during their older siblings’ class(es). An added bonus is that less time is spent at lessons overall because, of course, everyone is in the same class! Furthermore, this allows for carpooling if the class consists of two or more families with children of different ages\ability levels.
This also works very well for friends who may be preparing for swim team or scout swim tests. We can customize the curriculum to fit the goals of the students.
Please contact us or call to speak to an Enrollment Counselor at 816-942-SWIM (7946) to learn how we can create a customized class for you.
Arrive in swim appropriate attire
Swim goggles that are already adjusted to fit properly
Change of clothes if you want to change before leaving
Weather permitting, please wait in the patio area just outside of the pool facility until 2 minutes prior to the start of your children’s class(es). Of course, if anyone in your group needs to use the restroom before that, you may do so. However, please re-exit until it is time to enter for the students’ class. If weather conditions do not allow for you to comfortably wait outside (cold air, rain, thunderstorms, etc.) please wait in the deck area just inside of where you will enter. There will be chairs and benches in that area. As you will see, it is the deck area furthest from the pool. You may also wait in the “elevator lobby area” if you have a young one who needs to be vocal 😊. This “room”, which leads to the elevator, is separated from the pool area by glass windows and doors; and sound will not carry into the pool area.
Please inform all of your children of the following:
1) Wait to approach the “pool classroom area” until the instructor has called them over.
2) They are not allowed to sit poolside while observing a sibling’s class. They must remain with you.
3) Children are not allowed near or in the hot tub (“spa”).
4) Children are not allowed in the “courtyard” which is the little area to the east of the patio. The courtyard is reserved for the residents only, as it is very near to some of the residents’ apartment windows. The bottom line is that we need to show our respect for the residents’ space and privacy by limiting our use of the property to the parking lot, sidewalk to\from the pool, patio and swimming pool facility.
Parents and siblings are welcome to sit in the chairs on the deck to observe the lesson. Or if a younger sibling needs move around or be “extra” vocal, you may take them to the elevator lobby area or out on the patio.
Please prepare your children for our formal class environment. Specifically, prepare them for our class rules, which are posted under Behavior Expectations.
We limit our class size to only 4 students and overall availability is limited. Your enrollment is reserving (a position) (positions) in the class that we can no longer offer to anyone else. Therefore, we do not offer make-ups or refunds for classes missed due to personal conflicts, cancellations or students who refuse to participate. Fridays are reserved for lessons that we would have to reschedule due to pool-related problems. We do not offer special arrangements if you are unable to attend these Friday classes.
You can review our curriculum to better understand our Ability Level system. We have also designed a series of questions to expedite the enrollment process. While you are welcome to review this with one of our Enrollment Counselors via telephone; we understand how difficult it is to speak on the phone with little ones tugging at your legs. Therefore, you can follow the questions here by clicking through the slides at your convenience to determine your children’s Ability Levels, which we refer to simply as “Abilities”. After determining your children’s Abilities and determining the sessions in which you are interested (see schedule below); please Enroll Online. However, if you have questions or need clarification, please use our Contact Us feature to send us an online inquiry. Of course, you may also call 816-942-SWIM (7946) and speak with one of our Enrollment Counselors.
We create each session’s classes with a blank slate of 35-minute class times. Enrollment is done on a “first come – first served” basis.
Specifically, the first student added to a particular class time for a given session determines the age-ability-profile for that class. Because we are very particular about matching students according to a combination of age and ability, each student added thereafter must fall within the age-ability-profile of the first student added. In this way, the class schedules are dynamic and can change daily based on enrollment.
When you enroll by phone with an Enrollment Counselor, they can help you find the best class for your student’s age and ability level based on your availability.
When you submit an “online enrollment” through our website, you can choose up to four class times per session for each student and rank them in order of preference. When the Enrollment Counselor receives your request, they will make the final determination to enroll the student in the best class suited to their age and ability level according to your preference order. If none of the requested times are suitable or available, you will be contacted to discuss the available options. Your enrollment is not complete until you receive an enrollment confirmation email from us.
We typically only teach one class at a time in the pool. However, there are occasions when you might see one other class in the pool at the same time. This allows for less distraction and a quieter environment for learning.
2025 Session Schedule
Enrollment begins March 3, 2025! | Click Here to Enroll Online | |
April Sessions | Mondays only or Tuesdays & Thursdays for 3 weeks | Class Times - All PM |
Session 2 | NEW! Mondays only April 7, 14 and 21 Only scheduled as private or exclusive family/friends group lessons which include all three dates. Contact us to discuss pricing and availability. | 4:15 to 4:50; 4:50 to 5:25; 5:25 to 6:00; 6:20 to 6:55; 6:55 to 7:30; 7:30 to 8:05. *8:15 to 8:50 or 9:25 - see below |
Session 2 | Tuesdays & Thursdays April 8 - April 24 | 4:15 to 4:50; 4:50 to 5:25; 5:25 to 6:00; 6:20 to 6:55; 6:55 to 7:30; 7:30 to 8:05. *8:15 to 8:50 or 9:25 - see below |
May Sessions | Mondays & Wednesdays or Tuesdays & Thursdays for 3 weeks | Class Times - All PM |
Session 3 | Mondays & Wednesdays May 5 - May 21 | 4:15 to 4:50; 4:50 to 5:25; 5:25 to 6:00; 6:20 to 6:55; 6:55 to 7:30; 7:30 to 8:05. *8:15 to 8:50 or 9:25 - see below |
Session 3 | Tuesdays & Thursdays May 6 - May 22 | 4:15 to 4:50; 4:50 to 5:25; 5:25 to 6:00; 6:20 to 6:55; 6:55 to 7:30; 7:30 to 8:05. *8:15 to 8:50 or 9:25 - see below |
*Classes beginning after 8:00 pm can be scheduled individually or in partial session increments, with the option for 35-minute or 70-minute lessons. Contact us to discuss pricing and availability. | ||
June & July Sessions | Monday, Tuesday and Thursday for 2 Weeks | Class Times - All PM |
Session 4 | June 2 - June 12 | 4:00 to 4:35; 4:35 to 5:10; 5:10 to 5:45; 6:05 to 6:40; 6:40 to 7:15; 7:15 to 7:50. *8:10 to 8:45 or 9:20 - see below |
Session 5 | June 16 - June 26 | 4:00 to 4:35; 4:35 to 5:10; 5:10 to 5:45; 6:05 to 6:40; 6:40 to 7:15; 7:15 to 7:50. *8:10 to 8:45 or 9:20 - see below |
Session 6 | July 7 - July 17 | 4:00 to 4:35; 4:35 to 5:10; 5:10 to 5:45; 6:05 to 6:40; 6:40 to 7:15; 7:15 to 7:50. *8:10 to 8:45 or 9:20 - see below |
Session 7 | July 21 - July 31 | 4:00 to 4:35; 4:35 to 5:10; 5:10 to 5:45; 6:05 to 6:40; 6:40 to 7:15; 7:15 to 7:50. *8:10 to 8:45 or 9:20 - see below |
*Classes beginning after 8:00 pm can be scheduled individually or in partial session increments, with the option for 35-minute or 70-minute lessons. Contact us to discuss pricing and availability. | ||
August Session | Private or Exclusive Family/Friends Group Lessons on Tuesdays and Thursdays | Class Times - All PM |
Session 8** | Tuesday, August 12 Thursday, August 14 Tuesday, August 19 Thursday, August 21 Tuesday, August 26 Thursday, August 28 | 4:15 to 4:50; 4:50 to 5:25; 5:25 to 6:00; 6:20 to 6:55; 6:55 to 7:30; 7:30 to 8:05. |
**Classes during Session 8 will only be scheduled as private or exclusive family/friends group lessons. The classes can be scheduled individually or in partial session increments, with the option for 35-minute or 70-minute lessons matching the posted times. Contact us to discuss pricing and availability. |