
New students should read this information first to learn about our curriculum and class structure.

Behavior expectations, class rescheduling policies and more can be found here.

Returning students can start on this page and continue below.

Class Structure, Dates & Times

We define any group of classes as a “session”. Our standard session consists of six (6) 35-minute “lessons” or “classes”.  During the spring, each session consists of two 35-minute classes per week for three weeks. And each summer session consists of three 35-minute classes per week for two weeks. Fridays are reserved for pool maintenance related make-ups.

It is important to note that a “session” of six 35-minute classes is simply a means of defining a date range for scheduling purposes. You may enroll in as many sessions as needed to obtain your goals. For some students, one session of six classes is sufficient to accomplish those objectives. Most students, however, need multiple sessions to become proficient swimmers. Of course you are not required to enroll in multiple sessions. You may enroll in one session at a time.

We create each session’s classes with a blank slate of 35-minute class times. Enrollment is done on a “first come – first served” basis.

Specifically, the first student added to a particular class time for a given session determines the age-ability-profile for that class. Because we are very particular about matching students according to a combination of age and ability, each student added thereafter must fall within the age-ability-profile of the first student added. In this way, the class schedules are dynamic and can change daily based on enrollment. When we communicate with you, we will need to gather age and ability specific information about your child(ren) in order to provide you with the age-ability-compatible classes for your child(ren). You can help expedite this process by determining the ability level(s) (which we refer to simply as “ability” \ “abilities”) of your child(ren) using our Determine Student Ability questionnaire. Via our online enrollment system, you can provide that ability related information, as well as your preferences for class times. We will then reply via email as detailed in the section below for “Enroll Online”.

Spring classes are offered in the late afternoon and evening. Children’s classes start as early as 4:15 PM and as late as 8:15 PM. Each class is 35 minutes in duration. A “session” consists of six (6) 35-minute lessons; two lessons per week for three weeks. When you click on the “Enroll Online” link below, you will be linked to our customized online enrollment system, where you will be guided through the enrollment process via “tabs”. In the tab titled, “Sessions”, you will be presented with “pick-lists” of the exact sessions (date ranges) and class times available. That is where you will select your desired sessions and class times.

Summer classes are available from 4:00 PM to 9:10 PM! The first children’s classes will start at 4:00 PM. We offer classes nearly every 35 minutes from mid-afternoon through the evening, with the final children’s classes starting a 8:10 PM. Each class is 35 minutes in duration. A “session” consists of six (6) 35-minute lessons; three lessons per week for two weeks. When you click on the “Enroll Online” link below, you will be linked to our customized online enrollment system, where you will be guided through the enrollment process via “tabs”. In the tab titled, “Sessions”, you will be presented with “pick-lists” of the exact sessions (date ranges) and class times available. That is where you will select your desired sessions and class times.

2025 Session Schedule

Enrollment begins March 3, 2025!Click Here to Enroll Online
April SessionsMondays only or Tuesdays & Thursdays for 3 weeksClass Times - All PM
Session 2NEW! Mondays only
April 7, 14 and 21

Only scheduled as private or exclusive family/friends group lessons which include all three dates. Contact us to discuss pricing and availability.
4:15 to 4:50; 4:50 to 5:25; 5:25 to 6:00; 6:20 to 6:55; 6:55 to 7:30; 7:30 to 8:05.
*8:15 to 8:50 or 9:25 - see below
Session 2Tuesdays & Thursdays
April 8 - April 24
4:15 to 4:50; 4:50 to 5:25; 5:25 to 6:00; 6:20 to 6:55; 6:55 to 7:30; 7:30 to 8:05.
*8:15 to 8:50 or 9:25 - see below
May SessionsMondays & Wednesdays or Tuesdays & Thursdays for 3 weeksClass Times - All PM
Session 3Mondays & Wednesdays
May 5 - May 21
4:15 to 4:50; 4:50 to 5:25; 5:25 to 6:00; 6:20 to 6:55; 6:55 to 7:30; 7:30 to 8:05.
*8:15 to 8:50 or 9:25 - see below
Session 3Tuesdays & Thursdays
May 6 - May 22
4:15 to 4:50; 4:50 to 5:25; 5:25 to 6:00; 6:20 to 6:55; 6:55 to 7:30; 7:30 to 8:05.
*8:15 to 8:50 or 9:25 - see below
*Classes beginning after 8:00 pm can be scheduled individually or in partial session increments, with the option for 35-minute or 70-minute lessons. Contact us to discuss pricing and availability.
June & July SessionsMonday, Tuesday and Thursday for 2 WeeksClass Times - All PM
Session 4June 2 - June 124:00 to 4:35; 4:35 to 5:10; 5:10 to 5:45; 6:05 to 6:40; 6:40 to 7:15; 7:15 to 7:50.
*8:10 to 8:45 or 9:20 - see below
Session 5June 16 - June 264:00 to 4:35; 4:35 to 5:10; 5:10 to 5:45; 6:05 to 6:40; 6:40 to 7:15; 7:15 to 7:50.
*8:10 to 8:45 or 9:20 - see below
Session 6July 7 - July 174:00 to 4:35; 4:35 to 5:10; 5:10 to 5:45; 6:05 to 6:40; 6:40 to 7:15; 7:15 to 7:50.
*8:10 to 8:45 or 9:20 - see below
Session 7July 21 - July 314:00 to 4:35; 4:35 to 5:10; 5:10 to 5:45; 6:05 to 6:40; 6:40 to 7:15; 7:15 to 7:50.
*8:10 to 8:45 or 9:20 - see below
*Classes beginning after 8:00 pm can be scheduled individually or in partial session increments, with the option for 35-minute or 70-minute lessons. Contact us to discuss pricing and availability.
August Session Private or Exclusive Family/Friends Group Lessons on Tuesdays and ThursdaysClass Times - All PM
Session 8**Tuesday, August 12
Thursday, August 14
Tuesday, August 19
Thursday, August 21
Tuesday, August 26
Thursday, August 28
4:15 to 4:50; 4:50 to 5:25; 5:25 to 6:00; 6:20 to 6:55; 6:55 to 7:30; 7:30 to 8:05.
**Classes during Session 8 will only be scheduled as private or exclusive family/friends group lessons. The classes can be scheduled individually or in partial session increments, with the option for 35-minute or 70-minute lessons matching the posted times. Contact us to discuss pricing and availability.


Standard Group: 4 StudentsExclusive Group: 3 StudentsExclusive Group: 2 StudentsPrivate: 1 Student
Tuition shown is per student for each session of 6 35-minute lessons.

*Single lesson and partial session scheduling available for evening class times beginning after 8:00 pm. Contact us for additional pricing and availability.

2025 Enrollment Begins March 3rd

Determine Student Ability Level

Please review our curriculum to better understand our Ability Level system. We have designed this section to expedite the enrollment process. While you are welcome to review this with one of our Enrollment Counselors via telephone; we understand how difficult it is to speak on the phone with little ones tugging at your legs. Therefore, you can follow the questions below by clicking through the slides at your convenience to determine your children’s Ability Levels, which we refer to simply as “Abilities”. After determining your children’s Abilities and determining the sessions in which you are interested; please Enroll Online. However, if you have questions or need clarification, please use our Contact Us feature to send us an online inquiry. Of course, you may also call 816-942-SWIM (7946) and speak with one of our Enrollment Counselors.

Answer the following questions to determine your student’s ability level.

Does Student have a fear of the water if it is above his/her head and he/she has NO FLOATATION DEVICE?
Yes = Ability Level 1a!  
No = continue to next slide

Can Student lay his/her face in the water, push away from the edge of the pool to a full extension of his/her body and remain floating in this extended position for 3 seconds?
No = still Ability Level 1a
Yes = continue to next slide

Can Student swim 3 times the length of his/her body? Correct technique is not considered here. This question is designed to determine if he/she can make it this distance when attempting to move his/her legs and arms.
No = Ability Level 2a
Yes = continue to next slide

Can Student swim “Freestyle” (sometimes referred to as the “crawl”) moving his/her legs from the hips with minimal bend in the knees?
No = still Ability Level 2a!
Yes = continue to next slide

Can Student swim Freestyle at least 3 times the length of his/her body with minimal bend in the knees as just described AND with his/her elbows elevated above the hands, as opposed to the hands swinging high like a windmill?
No = Ability Level 2b!
Yes = continue to next slide

Can Student swim Freestyle 10 times the length of his/her body with the coordination just described in the previous question? Breathing to the side is not considered here – just the ability to continue this coordination for a longer distance than the previous question.

No = Ability Level 2c!  
Yes = continue to next slide

Can Student breathe by rolling his/her head and body to the side? This is done as an individual skill with the instructor’s assistance. We are not yet asking if he/she can breathe to the side while swimming.
No = Ability Level 3a!
Yes = continue to next slide

Can Student swim Freestyle 10 times the length of his/her body with minimal bend in the knees, AND with his/her elbows elevated above the hands; AND is able to consistently breathe to the side with correct timing? Breathing is performed with correct timing when the student begins to breathe as his/her arm is pulling through the water. Incorrect timing is when the arm is adjacent to the swimmer’s mouth when a breath is taken. In this case, the student is not getting sufficient air or is even pushing the water into his/her mouth. This would result in the student having to stop and pull his/her head up to breathe. (See next two slides).

Incorrect Timing for Lateral Breathing:
No = Ability Level 3b!

Correct Timing for Lateral Breathing:
Yes = Ability Level 3d!

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Preparing Children for Instruction and a Positive Swimming Experience: